Amazon SNS operation binding
Contains information about the operation representation in Amazon SNS.
We represent SNS producers via a subscribe Operation Object.
In simple cases this may not require configuration, and can be shown as an empty SNS Binding Object i.e. {}
if you need to explicitly indicate how a producer publishes to the channel.
We represent SNS consumers via a publish Operation Object. These consumers need an SNS Subscription that defines how they consume from SNS i.e. the protocol that they use, and any filters applied.
The SNS binding does not describe the receiver. If you wish to define the receiver, add a publish Operation Binding Object for that receiver. For example, if you send message to an SQS queue from an SNS Topic, you would add a protocol of 'sqs' and an Identifier object for the queue. That identifier could be an ARN of a queue defined outside the scope of AsyncAPI, but if you wanted to define the receiver you would use the name of a queue defined in an SQS Binding on the publish Operation Binding Object.
We support an array of consumers via the consumers field. This allows you to represent multiple protocols consuming an SNS Topic in one file. You may also use it for multiple consumers with the same protocol, instead of representing each consumer in a separate file.
"topic": {
"name": "someTopic"
"consumers": [
"protocol": "sqs",
"endpoint": {
"name": "someQueue"
"filterPolicy": {
"store": [
"event": [
"anything-but": "order_cancelled"
"customer_interests": [
"filterPolicyScope": "MessageAttributes",
"rawMessageDelivery": false,
"redrivePolicy": {
"deadLetterQueue": {
"arn": "arn:aws:SQS:eu-west-1:0000000:123456789"
"maxReceiveCount": 25
"deliveryPolicy": {
"minDelayTarget": 10,
"maxDelayTarget": 100,
"numRetries": 5,
"numNoDelayRetries": 2,
"numMinDelayRetries": 3,
"numMaxDelayRetries": 5,
"backoffFunction": "linear",
"maxReceivesPerSecond": 2
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